Hello again!

It was great to see you all again! ❤

Thank you to the 12 people who filled out the questionnaire. I do appreciate it very much! ❤ There’s 5 people who took the exam and did not fill it out. (I don’t know who they are, of course, because the questionnaire is set to prevent me from knowing.) If you would like to do so now, I’ll be thankful, too.  Here’s the link:


Congrats to all, for some pass marks were a sympton of great progress, yes! Most of you will probably pass in September, possibly all of you! And now you have the summer months to use your English. Remember listening as much as possible every day brings amazing progress. Actually, that’s why some of you have made progress!

We talked about TV Series and the Margaret Atwood TV version. Cirenia gave me back the novel and audiobook and then Sara borrowed it and they remembered to leave that info on the BORROWED MATERIALS CHART! ❤

There was a question about posting people’s info in the whatsapp group. It’s illegal to post somebody’s info without her/his permission, particularly against the person’s will. People have different kinds of reasons for not wanting other people to learn where they are, doing what, or what the result is. And we need to respect laws that protect people. Doing this is easy too: you might take a pic of a list and before sharing it in a group (sorry, whatsapp groups are not private, but public places, paticurlarly when it’s not family or close relationships) and then cut out the parts you are allowed to share in public because people asked you to do so and it was their own information. Not respecting this law can put some people in danger, too, for different kinds of reasons, not only gender violence. We don’t all have the same life situations.

Today a parent came to see her grown-up child’s exam and I told her I could not show it to her because she had no written permission. For 45 minutes I’ve been explaining this is something positive, how democracy works in the public system, but some people refuse to understand this kind of things, and consider people who respect other people’s rights as stupid or trouble-makers. If more people respected the laws that protect other people the world would be a safer, kinder and even a more interesting place. The mistake was the daughter’s: she found out when the exams where but could not be bothered to read the Guía, or browse the other info on exam procedures, or download the model for written permissions. Sigh. I gave her the idea that because she had her daughter’s ID card (!) and her own, she could phone her daughter and allow me to speak to her to confirm identities, and told her that she could come later than Revisión para Libres, because I’d be in class for a few more hours. And example of where we can be flexible and where we can’t. But she was not happy. Hopefully, they’ll think it over.

I learned about trips & conferences, losing people we love, them being ill, and problems arising from work, and really wish you all the best with everything. We also missed some people. ❤

I think people who came to Revisión are clear about their course of action till September, and have high spirits about the event, which is good because if you didn’t find enough time for your English it was because you had far too much on, so it makes no sense to continue putting pressure on yourselves. Relax, take good care of yourselves, and enjoy your relationship with the language. ❤

I’ll be checking out my eoi email in July, but not in August. Just in case you have questions. I do work in July in my projects, updating the Talking People website (publishing pending stuff and this summer I’ll see if I can reinstall the eCampus, too, where I have a few courses, and where you could have your own courses if you are interested in platforms, like the project Cristina, Cirenia and Sara are in now), finishing designing next year’s C1 course (new blog with some stuff: https://c1coursebymf2018.wordpress.com) and developing Mujer Palabra.

This is an Education for Equality reminder, for this Friday’s amazing meeting, in case you want to join us!

Best of luck to people taking the State Teachers’ Exam soon. Trust yourselves! ❤ ❤ ❤ And have wonderful trips and stays wherever you go! ❤ ❤ ❤

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